Ayaz Manji

Policy and campaigns training and consultancy


Here you can find out a bit more about what I offer. Each influencing project is different and I’m happy to suggest some options if you’re still in the early stages of working out what you need.

I believe that it’s possible to write about even the most technical and sensitive policy issues in a way which is clear, accessible and human. My writing experience includes:

  • Comment pieces in national print and online media
  • Reactive media quotes and statements
  • Parliamentary and policy briefings
  • Witness statements and submissions for strategic legal challenges
  • Information resources for individuals and public sector organisations
  • Content for social media accounts including live blogging/tweeting
  • Campaign emails, blogs and fundraising copy
Writing Samples

I’ve delivered campaigns and influencing training for young activists, researchers, frontline staff, and policy and campaigns teams both in the UK and internationally. All of my sessions are designed to give participants practical advice, with plenty of space to try out ideas and learn from each other. I’m also uncompromising about getting us to the breaks on time. My existing half-day courses include:

  • Writing an effective policy paper
  • Involving people in policy change
  • Influencing select commitees
  • Integrating research into campaigns
  • Developing an influencing strategy

If you’re interested in finding out more about any of these, or if you want support to develop some bespoke training for your team then don’t hesitate to get in touch.

I provide 1-2-1 coaching for policy and campaigns professionals. Past clients have included people early in their policy and campaigns careers looking to increase their impact, and people working in small organisations keen for a space to reflect on tactics.

I’ve helped organisations work through difficult questions in their influencing strategies and involve the people with direct experience of the issues in the process. Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you’re grappling with questions like:

  • How are we best placed to make a difference?
  • How can we share our power?
  • How do we know if what we’re doing is working?
  • How can we set our influencing objectives?
  • What skills and capabilities  do we need on our team?

I can offer one-to-one advisory sessions, document reviews,  bespoke team workshops and support to consult and involve people with a stake in the issues. Strategy projects can feel messy and uncertain,  and it’s sometimes hard to know where to start. I’m always happy to have an initial consultation and suggest some options.

I’m used to working flexibly across policy, public affairs and campaigns roles. If you need support to develop a new campaign, plan some focused public affairs work or get some policy research off the ground, feel free to get in touch. At certain times I’m also available to work with organisations on an interim basis – usually for 2 or 3 days a week.